Madrigals, Moresques and Canzones

Music from Augsburg's Golden Age -

Madrigals, Moresques and Canzones

Festive concert to open the 2nd Early Music Festival Augsburg

 "Maximilian and the triumph of the Renaissance in Augsburg".

Ensemble InVocare Mirjam Striegel and Charlotte Nachtsheim, soprano - Stefan Steinemann, alto - Daniel Thomson, tenor - Csongor Szántó, bass

Ensemble FAMA Iris Lichtinger, renaissance recorders -Josquin Piguet, cornett -Cas Gevers, trombone -Robert Schlegl, trombone -Viktor Töpelmann, viola da gamba -Angelika Radowitz, dulcian-Wolfram Oettl, harpsichord - Michael Eberth, organ


Gregor Aichinger: Ben più di mille strali a 7 tutti / Johann Martin Caesar: La Fenice / Giaches de Wert: Si come ai freschi /
Cipriano de Rore: Anchor che col partire / Luzzasco Luzzaschi: Itene mie querele / Johann Martin Caesar: La Augustana/
Claudio Bramieri: La foccara /Caspar Othmayr: Der Mon der steht am höchsten /Filippo De Duc: Deh or foss'io /Dario Castello: Sonata quarta a due soprani / Antonio de Cabezón: Ultimi mei sospiri / Philipp Verdelot: Ultimi mei sospiri /Luca Marenzio: Basti fin qui


Johann Martin Caesar: La Famosa / Marco Uccellini: Sonata terza op. 5/ Maurizio Cazzati: Passacaglio / Ivo de Vento : Welcher will seyn / Orlando di Lasso: Fröhlich zu sein /Leonhard Lechner : Ein Musicus wollt fröhlich sein/Johann Martin Caesar: La Foccarina / Cristofano Malvezzi : A voi reali amanti


"The Venetian Marco Uccellini (recorder!) or the Spaniard Antonio de Cabezón performed colourful virtuosities. The choir "InVocare" celebrated finely graded a capella singing with Orlando di Lasso, Leonhard Lechner or the Flemish Giaches de Wert, among others: lyrical, spiritual, cheerfully hearty. Vocally and instrumentally, the artists were equally impressive in the mixed pieces, especially in the large sound tableaus at the beginning with Gregor Aichinger's magnificent work on a Fugger wedding and as a finale with Cristofano Malvezzi's festive "A voi reali amanti". Great applause."

Augsburger Allgemeine 10/2019